Nucla Overview

Nucla Overview


Nucla is your organization’s home for discovering, contributing, and collaborating on B2B relationships. It syncs and indexes relationship data across your existing tools and groups to create one place to find statuses, owners, and notes. Nucla is the perfect tool to use when:

  • First Contact: you initiate a new relationship and want to see if there is existing internal data
  • Signal Ownership: indicate to the org that you are the owner of a relationship
  • Partner Discovery: find applicable relationships for new initiatives
Explore our one-pager or share with co-workers to invite to join you on Nucla.
Welcome to Nucla.pdf321.0KB


Discover Relationships


Use our search and filtering tools to discover RelationshipsRelationships so you can answer questions like:

  • Has anyone been in contact with this company? What’s the status of this relationship?
  • Who are our active partners?

Follow What’s Important


When you click the Follow button on any relationship, you add it to your FollowingFollowing tab and subscribe yourself to timely updates including:

  • New field data and notes from other groups
  • Company changes like new funding rounds from data providers
Your InboxInbox shows you the updates from every relationship you follow.

Contribute and Collaborate


On the Company Profile (RelationshipsRelationships) you can click the Add Data button to submit your company data. Any coworkers who follow the relationship will receive a notification in their inbox about your data keeping everyone aligned. The Contact button lets you easily get in contact with stakeholders or relationship contacts.

The Add Data button lets you add your own layer of data to any relationship and notify all of its stakeholders automatically.
The Add Data button lets you add your own layer of data to any relationship and notify all of its stakeholders automatically.
The Contact button automatically pulls in every contact associated with a relationship to kickstart collaboration.
The Contact button automatically pulls in every contact associated with a relationship to kickstart collaboration.